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Wednesday 26 March 2014

Some Examples Of Poor Road Design

Some Examples Of Poor Road Design

Perfect Examples are the intersections of St. Anne and St Mary at the perimeter. They see a high volume of traffic flowing in and out of the City so wouldn’t it be a good idea to build a couple of nice simple bridges over the perimeter with simple intersections on both sides to allow merging on and off of the highway? They don’t need to be fancy and expensive, just simple. But no……it seems every bridge has to be done as a huge clover leaf that apparently takes at least 3 years to build!
  • Stop at River going East after being able to actually drive unhindered all the way from Waverly. Green light, start diving get up to the 80 kph limit and
  • Stop at St. Mary at the lights, which turned red just as you were getting close. Green light, start accelerating and getting close to 80 again and ….
  • Stop at Dakota at the lights, which turned red just as you were getting close. Green light, start accelerating and getting close to 80 again and ….
  • The same thing at St. Anne! and so on down the stretch till you get to Lagimodiere. If you turn left on Lag…..well just follow the above examples.

Do people wonder why others are speeding on these stretches? Well it’s the only way you can get through a few lights without having to stop all the time!  It would reduce the amount of speeding, collisions happening in the winter when people are sliding to stops from the 80 kph limit and the stress level of drivers.

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